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22 Dec 2024
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Drill accident underscores importance of unemployment cover

The recent prosecution of a Black Country firm following an accident that left a worker incapacitated has highlighted the importance of people considering taking out accident, illness and unemployment cover.

A worker at a firm known as Stoke Forgings Dudley became entangled in a drill in an accident that left him with a broken wrist and thumb as well as a dislocated shoulder, according to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

Following the accident, which also damaged nerves and tendons in his forearm, the worker was left in need of extensive skin graft treatment.

According to HSE inspector Sarah Palfreyman, "drill-related injuries are still all too frequent and companies need to ensure proper risk assessments are carried out on machinery".

People working with such machinery may want to consider putting in place measures that will ensure their lifestyles are not badly disrupted such as having accident and unemployment cover.

This type of cover will ensure bills continue being paid by providing a source of income during the recovery period, which is vital for those with dependants.

Aviva recently revealed that two million families in the UK are worried about their level of protection and nearly half of all parents don't have a life insurance policy.

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