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Utility Switch

The Utility Switch Process

Why Switch ?

Switching suppliers with energyhelpline.com is simple and can save you a lot of money. The service is built from the consumer's perspective. We show all the tariffs available in the market place, how much you would save switching to them and the service ratings of each company so that you can make the right choice for you. Many people can save £100-200 per year or £500-1,000 over the next 5 years.

If you choose to switch you can do so quickly and easily using our online sign up forms. This only takes a few minutes and, if you use these forms,  there is no need to fill out any paper forms or sign any contracts. It is all done for you online. We then send off your details to your new supplier and they then inform your old supplier. You don't need to do anything more, and remember we provide a Customer Help line on 0800 074 0745 (Mon-Fri 8am-8pm) if you have any questions or queries. If you change your mind for any reason - just call us on
0870 922 0353 (Mon-Fri 9am-6pm) within 7 days and we will cancel your switch for you.

What details do I need to switch?

Generally, just your postcode and some basic details-such as usage or monthly/quarterly spend figures (however, if these are not available it is still possible to use the site with our usage estimator).
(Note: If you would like to switch to a direct debit tariff and fill out the DD form online then you will also need your bank details. Also, in a very small number of cases you may need to know your gas or electricity meter number).

Are there any hidden surcharges or costs in using energyhelpline.com?

No, there are absolutely no hidden surcharges or costs. You see the best available rates from all suppliers in your area on the results screen and you choose which one you would like to sign up with.

How does the process for transferring suppliers work?

Choose the supplier that offers the best deal using the energyhelpline.com calculator.

Look up information about all the suppliers and tariffs on the results screen and you can search by price, service rating and green tariffs .
Once you have chosen your new supplier you can provide us with the details that will form the basis of your contract. These are forwarded to the new supplier who will arrange the switch.

We will send you an email to confirm the details of the switch and a contact point for your new supplier.

Within a month you should be given a supply transfer date by your new supplier and on this day you should take a meter reading and submit it to your new supplier-this is passed on to your old supplier so that they can arrange your final bill.

Will there be any interruption to my supply?

No. There will be no interruption whatsoever. There is no need to change any meters, wires or pipes – your new supplier will use the same ones as your old supplier. The only changes that you will notice will be a lower bill and / or improved customer service from your new supplier.

What are service ratings and how are they calculated?

Our service ratings provide a guide to the level of service that a supplier provides. The service ratings are represented by stars:

1 Star-Poor,
2 Stars-Below Average,
3 Stars-Average,
4 Stars-Good,
5 Stars-Very Good.

The ratings are calculated from complaint levels from Energy watch, call center hours, availability of Internet services and special offers. Deductions are made for recent fines from OFGEM.

To switch to a new supplier do I need to contact my old supplier?

No, your new supplier will organise your transfer from your old supplier. You should, however, ensure that your new supplier receives a final meter reading from you so that they can organise a final bill with your old supplier. Please note that your old supplier may contact you to try to get you to change your mind.

If I want to switch to a Direct Debit tariff do I need to have my bank details?

No, you can request a paper DD form which will be sent to you by your new supplier. You can then fill out your bank details and return it to them in your own time. However, we would recommend that you complete DD forms on energyhelpline.com as this will save you time in the long run.

How does this free service make money; surely you never get something for nothing?

All electricity and gas price comparison services receive a commission from the new supplier for finding them a new customer.

I want to save as much money as possible; how should I go about it?

Simple. Find out what you currently pay for your gas and or electricity in a typical year and which tariff you are on with your current supplier. Enter your details into the calculator and submit your search with the default settings. Your cheapest supplier will be returned to you at the top of the results table.

I'm not sure who my current supplier is; how do I find out?

Look for recent bills - the supplier name will be on there. Otherwise, to find out who your current gas supplier is, you can contact the Meter Point Number Help line on 0870 608 1524. To find out who your current electricity supplier is, you can contact your landlord or letting agency or your regional electricity supplier e.g. London Electricity - you can find their phone number in the phone book, on the web or from directory enquiries.

If I do not know what my current spend is can I still use the calculator?

Use the High, Medium and Low usage levels on the input screen. Your usage will roughly equate to the size of your property. Small flats are generally low users, larger flats and houses medium users and large houses high users. If you only use gas for cooking you should enter low user for gas.

What is a gas meter (or MPRN) number and how do I find it?

Your MPRN (Meter Point Reference Number) is the unique identifying number of the Gas meter at your property. It is a 10 digit number, sometimes referred to as an "M" number, and can be found on your gas bill (generally on the back of the bill). If you can't locate your MPRN on the back of your gas bill or on your meter, you can call the Meter Number Help line on 0870 608 1524. If you sign up with us, we have a special system on the site which looks up your meter number automatically from 90% of UK addresses.

What is an electricity meter (or MPAN) number and how do I find it?

Your MPAN is the unique identifying number of the Electricity meter at your property. It is often referred to as a "Supply Number" or "S" number, and it can be found on your electricity bill (generally on the back of the bill). If you can't locate your number, you should contact your current electricity supplier. We have a special system on the site which looks up your meter number automatically from 90% of UK addresses



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