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12 Mar 2025
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Savings rates break the 7% barrier              

Rachel Thrussell, Head of Savings at Moneyfacts.co.uk – the money search engine, comments:

“The saving frenzy of last week has continued at full strength. Today sees fixed rates top 7% for the first time in over 6 years.

With the top rate available rising by over 0.35% in the last two weeks alone, yet with money markets remaining much less volatile there must be other forces at work. With little to differentiate between fixed rate bonds, rate really is the key feature and with so many providers desperately seeking the top spot in the charts, there is a fiercely fought contest to win our savings.

“In last two weeks over 20 providers have increased their fixed rate offers. The last two days have seen another turnaround of best buy rates; the table below shows these changes in the last two days.




New Rate

Old Rate

Stroud & Swindon BS


Fixed Rate Bond 57



Birmingham Midshires

11 month

Internet Fixed Rate Bond


N/A new product


2 year





3 year




Moneyfacts.co.uk – the money search engine 12.9.07

“It’s been quite some time since we have seen the market move at such a pace. In just two weeks an investor looking to secure the best fixed rate deal would have missed out on £35 interest on an investment of £10K over one year.

“With the credit crunch still biting the mortgage market, and with news that Victoria Mortgages has gone into administration, the increased LIBOR rate certainly reflects the banks’ cautious attitudes to lend to each other. With rates rising by over 1.5% since the start of the year, with almost a 1% rise in the last two months, there are definite signs of uncertainty. Lenders are looking for alternative ways to fund their mortgage lending, and it seems as if increasing deposits has been the first port of call for many.

“With savings rates reaching such heights, the traditional advice to overpay as much on your mortgage as frequently as you can may have gone out of the window. If you were lucky enough to secure yourself a cheap rate mortgage, it may make sense to invest in a 7% one-year bond, making one off lump sum payments if your mortgage permits.

“A return of 7% is quite outstanding. It’s a great time to review your finances and bag yourself a great deal. But with rates also still remaining competitive in the ISA market, savers would still be wise to explore their tax-free options first.”

Moneyfacts savings

Moneyfacts Group
Moneyfacts is the UK’s leading independent provider of personal financial information and our data is used and trusted throughout the financial industry. 


Think carefully before securing other debts against your home, your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.

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We normally do not charge a fee for mortgage advice, however this is dependent on your circumstances. Our typical fee would be £349

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