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22 Feb 2025
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LV Enhances its Critical Illness Cover

LV Critical Illness Cover

The latest enhancements to LV Critical illness cover can now provide you with wider coverage, more partial payment options for less severe conditions, as well as larger payments for some conditions.

Below is quick guide of what's now covered under their critical illness policy for you :

Here is a list of all the 59 conditions LV cover which includes 18 ABI+ definitions, 16 additional partial payments and 16 unique enhanced payments.

The full medical explanation of each of these conditions is in the appendix.

18 ABI+ Conditions - full payment

Alzheimer’s disease

The ABI definition excludes other types of dementia and also offers the ability to limit payment for Alzheimer’s disease before a certain age. Our definition has no limit on the age we’ll accept a claim and we do not exclude other types of dementia.

Aorta graft surgery

The ABI definition for Aorta Graft Surgery only covers surgery for disease of the aorta. Our definition includes surgery for traumatic injury as well as disease. We believe that any surgery to repair the heart is serious and so should be covered.

Benign brain tumour

Our definition will cover your clients following surgery to remove a brain tumour before it leads to permanent nerve damage. We recognise that undergoing brain surgery is in itself a significant medical procedure, so believe your clients should be covered for this.


Includes cover for the occurrence of a malignant basal cell carcinoma or malignant squamous cell carcinoma. This means we are providing additional cover and full payment of benefit for two of the more common skin cancers.


The ABI definition requires a continuous comatose state on life support for 96 hrs. Our definition requires no minimum length of time in a coma on life support. We recognise that being in a comatose state on life support for any amount of time is likely to cause permanent neurological deficit and persistent clinical symptoms that will have a big impact on a person’s life.

Coronary artery bypass grafts (CABG)

The ABI definition requires that the breast bone is divided for surgery. Due to advances in surgical techniques surgeons do not always need to divide the breastbone to give this treatment.

Our definition also covers surgery completed through keyhole surgery. We believe that our cover should be in line with medical advancements and give your clients the financial support they need after such an operation.

Heart attack

Our definition does’t have the requirement of typical clinical symptoms. Heart attacks are one of the most claimed for critical illnesses and attacks without chest pain or other typical symptoms are a real occurrence.

Heart valve replacement or repair

Our definition does not require the breast bone to be divided during surgery and also includes keyhole surgery. We believe that our cover should be in line with medical advancements and so we reflect this by giving your clients the financial support they need after such an operation.

HIV infection

LV= definition provides coverage within any occupation as we do not state a list of eligible occupations. We also provide coverage to a wider geographical area than just the UK.

Loss of hands or feet

Our definition only requires the permanent severance of one hand or foot to qualify for a full payout of the amount of cover.

Major organ transplant

Our definition provides additional cover for a transplant of a whole lobe of the lung or liver.

Motor neurone disease

We don’t impose any restrictions by age on this or any of the conditions we cover.

Multiple sclerosis

We want to pay the claim as soon as possible and so have reduced the requirement of persisting clinical symptoms of six month, down to three months.

Paralysis of limbs

Our definition only requires the permanent paralysis of any one limb to qualify for a full payout of the amount of cover.

Parkinson’s disease

Our definition includes coverage for Parkinson’s disease secondary to drug abuse and other parkinsonian syndromes. It also excludes limiting payment before a certain age.


Our definition includes coverage for traumatic injury to the brain as we understand that traumatic injury can also cause a stroke and have just as critical impact on a customers life.

Terminal illness

Our cover allows for a claim to be paid within the last 12 months of the policy, even if your client is expected to die after the policy has ended.

Third degree burns

The ABI definition requires burns to have developed on 20% of the body’s surface. We include and will also pay for burns covering 50% of the face or head. We recognise the serious psychological impact of burns to these areas.

16 additional partial payments (APP)

We want you to feel confident that the product you’re recommending offers cover for a wide range of illnesses and not only the most serious ones. Our policy provides cover for those illnesses that may not be life threatening but can still have a big impact on your client's life and financial situation.

Our partial payments are in addition to your clients' cover.



Accident hospitalisation cover

15% of cover up to £15,000

Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM) of the brain

12.5% of cover up to £12.500

Ductal or Lobular carcinoma in-situ of the breast

12.5% of cover up to £12.500

Carcinoma in-situ of the cervix uteri

12.5% of cover up to £12.500

Carcinoma in-situ of the urinary bladder

12.5% of cover up to £12,500

Non-severe cardiomyopathy

25% of cover up to £25,000

Coronary artery angioplasty

25% of cover up to £25,000

Severe Crohn’s disease*

12.5% of cover up to £12.5

Minor heart attack

25% of cover up to £25,000

Removal of one or more lobe(s) of the lung

12.5% of cover up to £12.5k

Prostate cancer

25% of cover up to £25,000

Partial loss of sight

12.5% of cover up to £12,500

Minor stroke

25% of cover up to £25,000

Testicular carcinoma in situ

12.5% of cover up to £12,500

Partial third degree burns

12.5% of cover up to £12,500

Severe ulcerative colitis*

12.5% of cover up to £12,500

* For Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative colitis, we’ll only pay a partial payment for one of these conditions and not both. So for example if we’ve paid a claim for your client for Crohn’s disease, they'll no longer be covered for ulcerative colitis.

The 25 other conditions we cover - full payment

The illnesses listed below are ABI standard.

Aplastic anaemia

A rare and severe form of anaemia where bone marrow doesn’t produce sufficient new cells to replenish blood cells. Complete aplastic anaemia is where there is a complete bone marrow failure.

Bacterial meningitis

Meningitis is inflammation of the membranes which cover the brain and spinal cord. Bacterial meningitis is where this inflammation is caused by a bacterial infection.

Benign intramedullary spinal cord tumour

A benign intramedullary spinal cord tumour is a benign (non cancerous, non malignant) growth in the bone marrow of the spinal cord.


Permanent and irreversible loss of sight.

Cardiac arrest

The cessation of normal circulation of the blood due to failure of the heart to contract effectively.


A disorder of the heart muscle which prevents it from working correctly.

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

A rare, degenerative brain disease that leads to a rapid decrease of mental function and movement. One variant, called new variant CJD, is the human form of BSE (Mad cow disease).


Permanent and irreversible loss of hearing.


A progressive, degenerative disease of the brain which can lead to loss of intellectual abilities. When described as ‘organic’ it means that it is due to a physical disease of the brain tissue rather than mental illness.


An acute inflammation of the brain, usually caused by a viral infection. Symptoms can include fever, headache, weakness or seizures.

Idiopathic arterial pulmonary hypertension

A rare disease wich involves high blood pressure in the blood vessels of the lungs.

Kidney failure

Kidney failure is where the kidneys fail to filter toxins and waste products from the blood adequately.

Liver failure

Liver failure is where the liver loses the ability to regenerate and repair. The liver can therefore no longer adequately carry out its functions which aid the body’s digestion and removal of waste products.

Loss of independent existence

Loss of independence resulting in a permanent inability to perform at least three activities of daily living - Eating, Toileting, Dressing, Continence and Transfer and Mobility.

Loss of speech

Permanent and irreversible loss of speech as a result of physical injury or disease.

Multiple system atrophy

A rare, degenerative neurological disorder caused by cell loss in certain areas of the central nervous system. Its main symptoms include tremor and reduced movements similar to Parkinson’s disease but it has additional problems leading to a distinct diagnosis separate from Parkinson’s disease.

Open Heart Surgery

Surgery where the chest is cut open through the breast bone for the purpose of correcting a structural abnormality of the heart or performing a coronary artery bypass graft (CABG).


Treatment most often used to treat lung cancer when less radical surgery cannot achieve satisfactory results.

Progressive Supranuclear Palsy

A rare, degenerative brain disease which involves gradual deterioration or death of cells in certain areas of the brain. Its main symptoms include tremor and reduced movements similar to Parkinson’s disease but it has additional problems leading to a distinct diagnosis separate from Parkinson’s disease.

Pulmonary Artery Surgery

The pulmonary artery is the artery that provides a blood supply to the lungs. This may become damaged or diseased and therefore require surgery to repair.

Severe lung disease

Lung disease is any disease or disorder that occurs in the lungs or causes the lungs not to work properly. To be classed as severe there must have been the need for continuous daily oxygen therapy for a minimum of 6 months, a vital capacity of less than 50% of normal and FEV1 being less than 40% of normal. These are tests of your ability to breathe properly.

Surgical removal of an eyeball

The complete removal of either eyeball by surgical procedure.

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

The immune system attacks the body’s own cells and tissues, resulting in inflammation and tissue damage. It can affect any part of the body but most commonly affects the joints, skin, lungs, blood vessels, liver, kidneys and nervous system.

Total permanent disability

Totally or permanently unable to carry out tasks listed in the main policy.

Traumatic head injury

This is a head injury which is caused by trauma, for example accident or injury.

Unique enhanced payments

We'll pay 150% of your clients' cover

For six neurological conditions we cover, we’ll pay your client one and half times their cover, up to a maximum of £200,000 (on top of their original cover). This applies if they’re diagnosed under the age of 45.

Alzheimer’s disease

Multiple system atrophy

Dementia (including senile dementia)

Parkinson’s disease

Motor neurone disease

Progressive Supranuclear Palsy

We’ll pay double your clients cover

We have ten full payment conditions where we’ll pay your client twice the amount of their cover, up to a maximum of £200,000 (on top of their original cover). This applies if the claim is as a direct result of an accident.


Loss of speech


Paralysis of any limb


Surgical removal of an eye

Loss of hands or feet

Third degree burns

Loss of independent existence

Traumatic head injury

Children's Cover

Our children’s cover includes the same conditions as the standard policy except for Total Permanent Disability (TPD).

For any single policy the children’s cover is 50% of the full amount up to a maximum of £25,000. And, where the child is covered under more than one policy the maximum is £50,000 across all of those policies together.

Source LV 31/05/2013

Do you want advice on Critical illness cover?

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