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9 Mar 2025
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Income Protection News

Workplaces could become more dangerous in recession

The need for consumers to consider taking out income protection products such as accident, sickness and unemployment cover has been highlighted by a new Health and Safety Executive (HSE) report.

According to the report, which is aimed at encouraging a common sense approach to risk at work, thousands are still dying every year as a result of workplace injuries and ill health.

The report has stated that the harsh economic climate could make some workplaces more dangerous because over 25 per cent of business leaders predict they will face pressure to cut spending on health and safety this year.

For people with dependants and those who are the sole bread winners of their families, this notion poses a grave risk to the financial future and stability of their next of kin.

HSE figures show that 137,000 people were killed or seriously injured at work last year, underscoring the need for consumers to consider protecting their financial future and that of their dependants with life insurance.

This type of insurance is one of the most important that anyone can set up, according to industry insider BeatThatQuote.com, which stated this week that such cover could prevent spouses being hit with bills they can't afford if the source of income is eliminated.

To compare life insurance premiums and income protection insurance Go Direct have the latest online quote system to help you.


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