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9 Mar 2025
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Critical Illness News

Refurbishment contractors should consider critical illness cover

Employees and contractors who refurbish buildings should ensure they have protective products such as critical illness cover or accident, sickness and unemployment protection.

These workers risk being exposed to harmful materials, as was highlighted by an incident in which employees of a Canadian firm encountered carcinogenic asbestos fibres at a Swansea plant.

According to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), which prosecuted the firm, an asbestos survey carried out by the company on the site was not conclusively done and the interiors of the plant and equipment were not surveyed.

When work began asbestos insulation material within the reformer furnace was disturbed and broken, which led to the exposure of powder and fibres that posed a greater risk.

"Knowledge that asbestos insulation was present would have resulted in a licensed contractor being used to remove the material and prevented these workers coming into contact with asbestos at all," said HSE principal inspector Andrew Knowles.

Asbestos is the greatest single cause of work-related deaths in the UK, underscoring the importance of workers with dependants ensuring they have life insurance and such cover as critical illness insurance.

These products can offer a lump sum after death or monthly payments depending on the terms.

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