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9 Mar 2025
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Income protection insurance vital as jobless total rises

More people are losing their jobs as the downturn wrecks havoc on the economy, underscoring the importance of consumers shielding their earnings with income protection insurance.

New figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show that 200,000 jobs succumbed to the downturn in the three months to June as the number of jobless people and the unemployment rate accelerated.

The total number of people without a job is now 2.43 million, putting unemployment in the UK at its highest level since 1995.

Some 1.58 million people are now claiming jobseeker's allowance following a 24,900 increase in the figure in July alone, according to the ONS, which revealed that there are also fewer vacancies.

Reacting to the data, the Liberal Democrats said that "the government needs to look urgently at the gaps in the safety net to make sure that people who are out of work are getting the support that they need".

Consumers still employed can put in place their own safety net by taking out income protection insurance or accident, sickness and unemployment cover, which provide a vital source of income in such circumstances.

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Income protection insurance vital as jobless total rises - Go Direct Income Protection Quotes